Red Beach and Little Red beach was the first outcrops we found while exploring the Northern License. Red beach is an outcrop containing our base gray rock with a band of layered red stone running through the middle. While examining Red Beach, it was observed that the red rock shows more erosion than the gray rock.
Red beach is one of four outcrops that are in the 200m range. The other three are Big Mountain, The Logger’s Outcrop, and Snow Mountain; the difference in height of these four features is about 10m max.
Leading to Red Beach was a small outcrop. When the over-growth was pulled back, an interesting outcrop was exposed and to our surprise it contained our red beach rock.
Little Red Beach
Little Red is the front step of Big Red. Once you stepped onto Little Red you were on Red Beach, and your struggle was over. To reach Red Beach you have to hike through the bog. From Little Red to Big Red it is solid rock. Little Red is located north of Red Beach.
Little Red was an overgrown outcrop that Kevin wanted to see uncovered. Little Red looks like it has a lot of pillowing. There is a number of dykes running through it running in different directions possibly three major dykes. Also there are major spider veins running through this outcrop. The last thing we expected to see, was more of the red sandstone looking rock.
It looks to us like red beach sand compressed into sandstone. Research suggests it’s origin might be related to an outflow of some type, volcanic or plutonic.
Prospecting Videos
Little Red Beach, a red volcanic or platonic flow rock. We believe to be of significance.
A look at the north east corner of the claims. Dog pond, the area bog, and Candyland are all shown.
Little Red Beach, A view of the layered Red Beach contained in our base gray rock.
In the pictures below, you can see the before and after pictures of Little Red Beach.
Note: Red Beach is located in the distance.
Under Red Beach
Below Red Beach is a outcrop best described as the shoulder to Red Beach and Little Red Beach. The outcrop extends out of the side of the hill under Redbeach. What drew Kevin to this outcrop was the pyrites he found when he first sampled the outcrop.
While prospecting this outcrop we had trouble getting large samples, the rocks would break along fracture lines leaving mostly smaller samples. There were a good number of spider veins observed.
There is one dyke, which looks brecciated, that looks similar to dykes located on Black Beach. The two sets of dykes remind me of each other.